In the recent past, Government has published a draft of the electricity market reform bill and they are soon expected to cut subsidies to onshore wind farms, perhaps by as much as 25%. These are fatal mistakes according to a post in The Guardian and mistakes that Britons will remember well when the energy crisis hits.
The date they forecast as being the point of no return is said to happen sometime in the year 2018 when the UK will no longer be able to produce enough energy to supply the nation. According to the article, government is relying on investments totalling at least £110 billion that would be necessary to substitute for old coal powered plants and nuclear stations. These are expected to be closed down for good during or slightly after 2017.
This would have a devastating effect on the UK because those plants are currently supplying a great deal of the UK’s electricity. The suggested changes are the result of Government expectations that investments in European energy will total or exceed the current £63 billion (€80bn) per year. In fact, at the moment the energy market in Europe has declined by 40% and this is in sharp contrast to the rest of the world.
The Guardian quotes one senior analyst as saying that the policy of the UK Government is actually “based on a lie.” The blogger goes on to state that their policy is, in fact, based on three lies and that the analyst was being altogether too generous. Government would like to advise Britons that their electricity is going to become cheaper and that nuclear plants can be erected without financial subsidies from Government. Neither of these is true.
Also, Government maintains they are neutral between technologies and they certainly are not. In the end, unless something happens in the near future to move Government away from their current and projected policies, Britons will be paying significantly more money for electricity by the end of this current decade